Talia trained throughout both her pregnancies but felt a lot better in her second pregnancy so her last PT session was just 5 days before she gave birth! Her training helped her labour and she was already back 6 weeks later!
“At the start of my pregnancy I was vomiting quite a lot, I had really bad insomnia and pains down my side but I kept training because I found it was giving me the energy my body was needing.

People were quite shocked that I was training throughout my pregnancy and lifting some pretty heavy weights. I was getting positive reinforcement from those who were overlooking my pregnancy. My obstetrician said I was really fit and I could continue training so that kept me in a good head space and then I found I was getting the opposite from those less educated, particularly during the times I was out walking or working up to a slow jog around the lake, even having one lady passing comment telling me to stop before I do damage to my unborn child, but through the expertise and guidance of my obstetrician and Annette, we did everything we could possibly do throughout my whole pregnancy and come the time my labor really kicked in, I was able to push through with no drugs.
My labor was definitely easier from training right up to my due date. My nurses knew I had my last PT session 5 days earlier so their positivity helped me stay focused and strong. I knew I had the endurance to last and we had done lots of squats throughout my pregnancy so I held my squatting stance on the side of the bed and just did what I had to do.
During my pregnancy I continued seeing Annette once a week as I had been doing after the birth of my first son Jensen and we trained according to my heart rate, adjusting my program to the stages of my pregnancy. We did a combination of weight training and yoga but since returning, the intensity has definitely stepped up. I began my PT sessions again when Zander was 6 weeks old.
The thought of coming back wasn’t the easiest but I was surprised to find it was nowhere near as hard as I thought it was going to be. I now have my energy back and I’m feeling great so we’re really working on shedding this baby weight now and I’m loving the diversity of my training in the meantime!”
Assist PT offer a highly recommended core training program which is perfect for pre and postpartum. Find out more today!