Scott joined us after hip surgery was recommended. Three years later he ran a marathon!
I’m proud and excited to call Matt and Annette my friends foremost and my trainers second.
This is by no means a reflection of their professionalism or willingness to tailor training programs to suit each individual, but more so an honest assessment of the care they show while doing so.
My adventure with Assist PT began after a visit to my Osteopath for a hip complaint in early 2015.
I had a random and crippling stabbing pain which was the result of a bone spur from years of wear and tear and surgery was strongly advised.
Further scans and appointments were made in preparation but due to the cost and the 6- 8 week recovery period off work I decided I needed a second opinion.
I had previously seen another Osteopath who had worked with a lot of high level sporting clubs and I decided Peter should be my ‘go to’ guy.
Boy did that second opinion pay off.
Not only was surgery advised against at my stage, I was also informed that with a bit of strength work in my hip and core regions I could not only reduce the symptoms but also potentially make it much better for the future.
Assist PT was running group training sessions in my area that a friend of mine was already attending so I gave them a go.
Their group training sessions were fun and affordable.
It was a perfect start for me to build up my base fitness and help improve my core strength and the running and cardio fitness during these sessions became part of my normal routine.
I quickly noticed an improvement in my fitness level and better yet a noticeable lessening of the frequency and intensity of my hip pain, so obviously I continued.
Fast forward to June 2016 and feeling fit and strong I accepted an invitation to run the Melbourne marathon with some friends in October. Never in my wildest dreams would I have been able to do this only 18 months before, but there I was.
Unfortunately a niggling knee complaint after an increased running load and personal circumstances prevented me from making it to the start line but now I was determined.
I took the opportunity to take some specific one on one training with Matt to increase my leg strength, not only did this improve my stride length and efficiency but it allowed me to back off on some of the training km’s to reduce the chance of an overload injury.
In May 2017 I finally made it to the start of the Great Ocean Rd Marathon.
I had personally set myself a goal of finishing in less than 4 hours.
42.195 km’s and 3:57:40 later I finally crossed the line, mind you in a fair bit of pain.
This is something I will forever be proud of and I can’t thank Assist PT enough for giving me the physical and mental capability to push myself and achieve my goal, but it has only wanted me to strive to do better.
I am now about to line up for another crack at bettering my efforts at the Great Ocean Road in 2019 after having completed two Melbourne Marathons (2017, 2018) and improving on my time with each outing.
Push your limits with Assist PT and anything is possible.
Start now and dream big.