In 12 weeks, Professional Basketballer Quincy achieved a phenomenal strength, power and speed result! He gained over 3kg in lean mass and won SEABL Men’s Division Defensive Player of the Year 2010!
Pretty amazing that I got the strength gains I did from just training 3 hours a week and come out of the season uninjured!
Matt and Quincy have a chat about the structure and outcome of his training vs what he had done in the past and how it’s benefitted him.
As a professional basketballer from Wisconsin, USA over here to represent Kilsyth Cobras in SEABL, Quincy had a very busy training schedule.
The key ingredient which encouraged these results was his ability to fuel his body with the right nutrition around his training and games, which he did under the care of Matt Shepherd.
Quincy was adamant about not putting on extra weight that would slow him down on the court. He had done some training before and added on some weight that resulted in him feeling less agile on the court. Throughout his 12 weeks, he did in fact put on 3.4kg of lean mass however the weight training program he undertook with Matt resulted in strength, power and speed on the court. The result….Quincy was named the SEABL Men’s Defensive Player of the Year!
Quincy shares his experience here…..
If you had have said ‘yeah you’re going to put on 7 pounds’ I would have been “ahhhh I don’t know if I can afford to gain that kind of weight again and still play well but I guess the fact that it was lean mass and that we worked on other aspects of performance, that was the difference this time”
I feel like I’ve been able to bulk up my shoulders, back is a lot stronger too. I haven’t had any issues with my shoulder and usually end of season, my shoulder would be killing me about now. I don’t feel any heavier this time, I feel more powerful and moving just as well, I guess more light footed, and I’ve gained strength at the same time.
I thought the structure of the programming you did with me was really good. I wasn’t aware that you could get results from training the way we did.I was always training 3 times a week but I realise now that I was probably overworking the muscle. This way I was able to train earlier in the week and recover in time to play my game well. Before I felt more exhausted going into a game from training the way I was. Pretty amazing that I got the strength gains I did from just training 3 hours a week and come out of the season uninjured!
I’ll be returning home and continuing with the same type of programming I’ve done with you this season“

Matt has two mottos for his basketballers. #nodaysoff and Condition Beyond Game Ready. Invest in training and programming so that in those last defining moments when your player is burning out, you’re still playing all guns blazing.