Snow bunny Larissa resides between NSW and Whistler in Canada. In 2013 Larissa was searching for an online trainer and after a lot of research, chose Annette. She completed 2 x 12 week rounds with Annette.
Larissa shares her journey as an Online Nutrition client working with Annette through the Metabolic Precision Program. Her story is raw and straight from the heart.
“Have you ever put on weight, had your jeans get tighter and tighter and buy a new pair for the same to almost happen again?
Have you ever had your first muffin top? No, I don’t mean from the bakery!
Have you ever felt so trapped in your own body, not knowing the way out?
Have you ever felt ashamed of the weight you have put on, after never being fat, that you no longer recognise yourself?
Have you ever had old family friend say “Geez, I have never seen you fat before” & laugh?
Have you ever been someone who has always been into training at the gym, brought up as a competitive swimmer and reasonable diet, then blow up like a puffer fish?
Have you ever noticed the harder you flog yourself at the gym, nothing changes physically? You feel like a mouse on a wheel running and running and getting nowhere but fatter? Yet tears you to pieces mentally, as you cannot work out what is going on?
Have you ever reached that point where you burst into tears not knowing a way out of this dreadful situation you are in for the first time ever?
Have you ever said “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”?
Well, for me that was my snap point.
I researched for ways to help me out of the dreaded mouse on a wheel situation. Nothing I was trying was working. NOTHING!! Thank god for the internet & friends having similar problems. I sought friends advice who have competed in body competitions, and found out where they went wrong. As I did NOT want to end up in the same situation. I ended up choosing Annette to guide me in how to get myself back on track. We did it by online training, as I live too far away. I thought she was the right one for me in the end.
I wanted my life back!! I WANTED TO BE SET FREE!!
I have been doing on line training with Annette for the last three months. Best thing I have ever done. Life changing. The results are amazing. A trainer full of knowledge. Spot on with everything. An incredible intelligent trainer, an incredible intelligent woman.
I did a LOT of research before I signed up with her, and discovering Annette is like discovering gold. Priceless to me!
I feel the words “THANK YOU” are not enough. Not enough to how I feel. Your incredible vast knowledge in all aspects of a transformation, your 100% support, patience while I was healing….and I loved how you knew exactly what I was thinking, but ahead of time. Lol I loved that!! You excel in your chosen career!! All I can think is LUCKY ME to have found you!! Better than winning the lotto!”
Larissa, NSW
Larissa has been very kind to allow us to share her personal journey here.
Contact us if you’re looking for a trainer you can trust to get you the results you’re after