In April 2016 we advertised for an administration assistant. Caitlin applied for the position and within 5 minutes of interviewing her, we knew she was going to be a great fit for us. As part of the perks of working for us, we took her on as a clients so she really understood what our business was about and why we were different. We treat all our staff like clients too, to help them develop physically and mentally and after doing some values and goal setting work with Caitlin and seeing how good she was with her media and reporting skills we encouraged her to step into greener pastures. Within a year of joining us, Caitlin was working for Collingwood football club and was then snapped up by her dream employer, Melbourne Football Club.
Caitlin ate very healthy but used to suffer with a lot of digestive issues. From a health perspective, initially we focused on supporting her body with foods and supplements to get her healthier. From a training perspective we focused on strength and performance for her upcoming runs. Caitlin toned up within 10 months as her body got healthier, has achieved many PB’s and maintained her figure ever since.
As cliché as it sounds, Assist PT is more than just a personal training studio. It’s a place to push your limits; to achieve things you never thought possible. It’s a place to really find out what you’re capable of.
When I first walked into Assist PT, I thought I was pretty fit. I ran a couple of times a week, ate a relatively clean diet and had what I thought was a good balance. I was in university, took pride in the fact that I could get through a day without drinking much water and was really just looking to lose a bit of weight before my birthday in three months’ time.
I had never touched a barbell or dumbbell before, mainly because I thought lifting weights was solely for bodybuilders. I was a cardio bunny – the treadmill was much less intimidating than those weight machines at the gym, and it wouldn’t make me big or bulky like I thought lifting weights would.
I managed to put my fears aside and trust those in the know, and it turned out to be the best decision I made. I’ll admit that I did expect to achieve my little weight loss goal, but I didn’t expect all that came with it. The motivation, the empowerment, the understanding of my body and my mind, the sense of community – it was life changing.
Matt and Annette go above and beyond, way beyond! Their knowledge and experience is second to none, and they are always wanting to further themselves. The care they have for you as a client extends far beyond just the physical results, challenging you as an Assist PT Champion and a person. Their personalised approach allows them to work with anyone who is willing to put in the effort, whether that’s physical, mental or emotional, and they do so with you as the priority. They are experts, who simply care.
Fast forward a couple of years from that first PT session, and I am now fitter, stronger, healthier and happier than ever before. I am not only equipped with the knowledge I need to continue my healthy and active lifestyle, but I have a friendship with Matt, Annette and Kai that is truly invaluable.
If you’re unsure about giving it a go, just do it. You will be forever grateful for your experience at Assist PT. I know I am.”