Lost 69kg, ran a marathon and got healthy enough to fall pregnant!
Amy went from not being able to run a km to running a marathon along the Warburton trail within 12 months! She now also holds most of our wall of fame records for the strongest female training at Assist Personal Training.
Dreams…they can come true.
Throughout the many challenges I’ve done with Assist PT, I’ve been asked to identify what my 12 Week goals are. My goal was always strong and it wasn’t necessarily anything I wanted to achieve by the end of those 12 weeks, it was my ultimate life goal.
I wanted to be a Mum.
My IVF journey started even before I set foot through the Assist PT doors.
It has been a very long and very emotional journey. A journey spanning almost 4 years.
Since joining Assist I’ve lost 69kg and over 250cm but it’s what I’ve gained that has been so significant.
I’ve gained belief in myself, a positive attitude and a true inner happiness.
On the 22 May 2017, I received the news I had been dreaming about for so long. I was going to be a Mum…all my hard work getting fit and healthy had paid off.
Today I had my 20 week scan and got to see my little miracle. And what a beautiful miracle it is ❤️.
Seeing those 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes today has given me even more incentive to continue to live a healthy and happy life and to continue to put everything I have learned into practice.
Don’t ever give up on your dreams.
My dream seemed unreachable and unattainable but here I am living proof that dreams really can come true.
Staying accountable to a professional is undeniably the key – and the big difference for me is the level of care you’ve given me. I’ve worked with people before where the care was missing. Not the case with you guys…thank you x
Amy is also our Overhaul Champion!
Above: Amy down 69kgs and feeling a million bucks on her 40th birthday!