“The foods you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” – Ann Wigmore.
Suffering from skin conditions can be damaging to both your physical and mental wellbeing; with itchiness, swelling, redness and pain sometimes unbearable.
The most common conditions such as eczema, hives, acne or cold sores can be challenging to get under control. While your first instinct might be to head straight to the chemist or doctor’s waiting room, what many don’t realise is that quite often, the best remedy starts in your own kitchen. This can leave you feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed, self-conscious and defeated – all emotions that a recent client, Carla from Launching Place, was feeling when she came to Assist Personal Training in Lilydale for help with nutrition. Over to you, Carla!
“I came to see Annette a couple of weeks ago with a severe case of hives all over my body, being so frustrated from itching for 7 days straight. I have been getting these randomly over the last 4 to 5 years but this was the worst I’d ever had and I thought they were never going to go. Doctors gave me skin steroids which were doing nothing, so I decided to contact Assist PT in Lilydale as I had heard they offered a service called applied muscle testing which had also helped some of my friends. Using Applied Muscle Testing, Annette tested me and able to confirm the histamine response I was experiencing was made worse by the foods I was consuming. Based on how my body reacted to different foods, she advised that I should eliminate gluten, dairy and tomatoes from my diet and slowly reintroduce one at a time in the next couple of months to see if one or all are causing these itchy beasts. Within 2 days my hives had reduced dramatically and I had my first full night’s sleep in 9 days… it was amazing! Since then, they have totally cleared and I feel great. Anyone who has had hives will understand how grateful I am – thank you for stopping me scratching my skin off Annette!!”
While eliminating these particular foods worked for Carla, it’s important to understand that everyone is different.Each of us have a unique biochemistry make up which means we can respond differently to the recommendations an eating plan, detox, magazine, fitness expert, diet plan, fad or nutrition guideline recommends as good for us.
Through Applied Muscle Testing, we help our clients work out what foods their bodies respond best to, what supplements are best for them, what foods need to be avoided to reduce inflammation in the gut which can cause skin conditions like Carla experienced, and get them feeling and functioning better.